For leaders

Resources to help you lead effectively

Every person has leadership potential, and service clubs provide a forum for young leaders to unlock theirs. Someone with a desire to lead will decide to step forward when the easier choice might have been to stand still. The service club experience at a young age can help students accept their own identity as a leader, enhance their knowledge of how to be a leader who is others-centered, and develop their ability to move an idea into purposeful action.

What do Builders Club members who have a desire to lead look like? You might notice club members:

  • Show an increased willingness to step forward to volunteer.
  • Display humility when entrusted with leadership positions.
  • Gain energy by solving problems and addressing big issues.
  • Steadily increase their involvement.
  • Say, “I am a leader”.

How can you support more members in finding their desire to lead? 

  • Provide training to elected leaders on not just the technical aspects, but on the soft skills of listening, recognizing and empowering.
  • Praise and recognize members who lead with humility and/or display leadership that is others-centered.
  • Pay attention and show appreciation to members who contribute more than before.
  • Talk about leaders and leadership in terms of something all members have the capacity for, not just officers.
  • Make sure the club’s operations and decisions are student led.


What You Need To Know To Lead Your Club


Everyone associated with a Builders Club - advisors, members, sponsoring club members - has a role with responsibilities. Understanding the governing documents and policies in place to guide the club will help everyone involved know what is expected of them.

Role of the Club Officer

Each club is led by a student board made up of club officers. Club officers need to know what is expected of them when serving in this role. Review helpful resources about how to train your club's officers.

Club Member Responsibilities

Members participate in every club meeting and activity. Understanding their leadership role in the club is vital to the club's success. Support club members during their service leadership journey.

Club Advisor Role

The club advisor is a vital contributor to the shared work of achieving the mission and vision of Builders Club. Understanding the club advisor's role and having the resources at your fingertips will be a great help.

Kiwanis Builders Club District Support

The Builders Club District Administrator is the Kiwanis volunteer who provides support to Builders Clubs within a specific area. This individual promotes the growth of Builders Clubs in their area and assists active Builders Clubs with attaining needed resources.