Frequently asked questions

Your one-stop shop for answers

Q: Why should a school or community organization add a new club?
A: Builders Club is different than most service clubs because it’s student-led—and designed for middle school students. It’s part of a large family of Kiwanis International service clubs.

Q: How many members does it take to start a club?
A: We suggest 15 or more members per club.

Q: How much time does a Builders Club take?
A: Clubs can meet as often as they wish, but usually meet weekly in the morning, after school or during an activity period.

Q: How many Kiwanis volunteers does it take?
A: It depends how the Kiwanis club wants to divide up the responsibilities. One Kiwanis member serves as the Kiwanis advisor, and a committee of club members may also work with the club.

Q: What are the responsibilities of the Kiwanis club to the Builders Club?
Appoint a representative advisor to the club and ensure he/she receives adequate orientation/training. Kiwanis advisors to any sponsored Service Leadership Program will be required to have a criminal background check conducted and verified by Kiwanis International.

  • Ensure the advisor attends every meeting.
  • Maintain an expense line item in the organization budget to support the activities of the club.
  • Meet with the school principal or organization manager before the beginning of the school year.
  • Pay the annual Builders Club fee to Kiwanis International.
  • Ensure club officers receive proper training following election.
  • Hold a planning session involving the leadership of the Kiwanis club/sponsoring organization and Builders Club officers.
  • Host or participate in two joint activities involving the membership of the club and sponsoring organization.
  • Invite Builders Club members to attend Kiwanis/sponsoring organization meetings.
  • Ensure Builders Club members are provided training opportunities beyond the club level.

Q: What do I receive in the program kit when I charter or renew my Builders Club?

Builders Clubs receive a program kit upon chartering, and annually as they renew. The kit includes essential tools such as an advisor guide, member handbooks, buttons and more.

Q: What if a club member is insured at a club meeting or event?
A: Club members included on the Builders Club official membership roster are covered by Kiwanis International liability insurance. Learn more about this benefit.

Q: Can a Kiwanis club apply a Builders Club to their Distinguished Club Award?
A: Yes. Learn more about the Distinguished Club Award.

Q: Is the Builders Club program flexible?
A: Absolutely. Each club is run independently and can adapt to the needs of its members and advisors.

Q: Is there Builders Club branded merchandise available for purchase?
A: Absolutely. The Kiwanis store offers a variety of Builders Club branded merchandise.

Have more questions?
Contact the Kiwanis International member services team at 1-800-549-2647 ext. 411 or email .