Resources for Officers and Members

1. Running a club

Service Toolkit

1. Running a club

Builders Club Advisor Toolkit

1. Running a club

Builders Club Member and Officer Toolkit

1. Running a club

Parliamentary Procedure

1. Running a club

Roberts Rules of Order Quick Guide

1. Running a club

Icebreakers and Teambuilders

1. Running a club

Reflection Guide

1. Running a club

2. Forms

Permission to Participate form

2. Forms

Photograph Release Consent form

2. Forms

Photograph Release Consent form (Spanish version)

2. Forms

Club Goal Planning worksheet (for president)

2. Forms

Membership Roster (for secretary)

2. Forms

Meeting Sign-in Sheet (for secretary)

2. Forms

Club Budget worksheet (for treasurer)

2. Forms

Financial Records worksheet (for treasurer)

2. Forms

Service Project Research worksheet (for vice president)

2. Forms

Service Hours Tracking form

2. Forms

Youth Protection Policies

2. Forms

3. Meetings and communication

Builders Club PowerPoint template

3. Meetings and communication

Member card (fillable)

3. Meetings and communication

Member certificate (fillable)

3. Meetings and communication

Officer table tents (blue print)

3. Meetings and communication

Thank You card template

3. Meetings and communication

4. Education and training

Prepare officers to lead activities

4. Education and training

Help members lead

4. Education and training

Elect and train new club officers

4. Education and training

How to plan a leadership retreat

4. Education and training

Find "flow" with committees

4. Education and training

5. Join Key Club

Key Club and Key Leader promotional flyer

5. Join Key Club