Here are some ways to increase awareness of your Builders Club and recruit new members.  

  1. Establish a web presence. Connect with the school/organization webmaster to request Builders Club page on its website. Not only is this good for the club, but it also highlights the extracurricular activities the school/organization offers. Share this information on your webpage: a description of Builders Club, what the club plans to do this year and who to contact about offering support and/or joining the club. Be sure to link to from your web page so visitors can learn more. If club member photos might be posted, be sure to send home Kiwanis photo releases for signatures at the beginning of the year. 
  2. Introduce Builders Club at the back-to-school night or open house.  Set up a display table at the school or organization’s event. Download resources from the Builders Club advisor webpage to create a colorful and educational display board. Share the who, what, where and how of your club. Provide a sheet to collect names of parents/guardians interested in signing up their kids as members. Include an area on the sheet for adult volunteers. After the event, follow up with people who expressed interest and invite potential club members to a “Get to Know Builders Club” meeting. 
  3. Schedule a “Get to Know Builders Club” meeting. Download fillable recruitment posters  and post them throughout the school or facility, inviting youth to stop by the meeting. The agenda should include lots of fun Builders Club icebreakers and teambuilding activities. Provide refreshments — and don’t forget to give attendees a Builders Club Permission to Participate Form to take home to a parent/guardian, with information about the next club meeting.  
  4. Promote the club. Keep school/organization staff and youth in the know about upcoming service projects. Establish a club promotion committee that can make regular appearances on morning announcements. This group can create and display posters announcing the club’s upcoming service and oversee updates posted on a bulletin board in a prominent area.  
  5. Keep current members’ interest. Hang on to the members you have by keeping them engaged. Get club members excited about serving on committees. Use the Member and Officer Toolkit as a guide. Do you need a fabulous project to begin the new year? Participate in the 2024 Global Kickoff and learn about the K-Kids and Builders Club global service project. If members need help identifying more service ideas, use the Builders Club Service Toolkit to identify projects that club members will be eager to conduct. Remember, Builders Club staff at Kiwanis International — as well as online resources — are available to help advisors maintain strong, active clubs.