The Service Toolkit and Service Meeting Kit activities listed below were created to help club officers lead members through each step of IDEA — Builders Club’s four-step process for creating high quality, high impact service projects. These steps are: Identify the Need; (2) Develop the Understanding; (3) Execute the Plan; and (4) Aim for Impact.

Whether doing all or some activities, make sure your members meet four goals:

  1. Explore local or global needs and members’ interests to decide what service projects your club will engage in this year.
  2. Through research and investigation, learn more about particular needs your club will address with service.
  3. Create a service plan to effectively carry out a high-impact service project that includes important tasks like goal setting, budgeting, marketing and fundraising.
  4. Evaluate the impact of your service on members and the community.

 Activities to “Identify the Need”    

 Activities to “Develop the Understanding”                     

 Activities to “Execute the Plan”

Activities to “Aim for Impact”